Sobbing Body

“Are we ever going to laugh again?”

Her words, not mine. And the answer is yes. We have laughed since the night that inspired this song.

It was very early in our RV saga. We were in Indiana because Brooke was a bridesmaid in a wedding. I don’t remember what the fight was about. But whatever it was ‘about,' it was really about something deeper. Brooke and I were both struggling with the new way of living in 240 square feet with a two-year-old and two-month-old. We were frustrated, tired, and scared. And it was being projected on the other person. Fun, right?

This night was a breaking point. The girls were asleep, and the discussion was going in circles. We couldn’t resolve “it” because “it” was a moving target. Finally, Brooke asked if this was ever going to get better. Would we ever get used to this way of life? We chose it… did we make a huge mistake? Are we EVER going to laugh again?

They were her words, but I had the exact same thoughts. 

I’m happy to report that it was just a season. The start of RV life was really rough. We had some of the most amazing adventures. Our family changed for the better in numerous good ways. But we had to fight through some really deep shit to get there. 

Sobbing Body is a song about re-connecting after a breaking point. About how you can miss someone when they’re right next to you. And about remembering to treat the main thing like it’s the main thing.